Tuesday, June 27, 2017

“Nevertheless, They Persisted” by Do Palma

“Nevertheless, They Persisted” by Do Palma

This is one in a series of posts featuring an artist whose work is included in the Threads of Resistance exhibition.
Artist’s Statement: 

This is my response to Mitch McConnell’s decision to block Elizabeth Warren from testifying at the Senate confirmation hearing for Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Warren was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King that was critical of Mr. Sessions. McConnell stated, “She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.” Later, other (male) senators read the same letter into the record.

Hear a message from Do about her piece below:


  1. Excellent. Some of the faces (and more of the names) were familiar to me, and now I want to look them all up.

  2. Emotionally inspiring and visually beautiful. Love it.

  3. Wonderful quilt! Mine will feature predominately Hillary Clinton because of her decades of work for women and girls around the world. Work that infuriates many and has been very effective. Women's rights are human rights- once and for all!- Hillary Clinton.


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